Representation in competition proceedings in Austria.

Representation in IP litigation procedures (copyrights, patents, trademarks, designs) in Austria.

Representation in invalidity / nullity and cancellation proceedings before the Austrian Patent Office and the International Authorities protecting industrial property rights in foreign countries.

Requests for legitimacy and warnings in the context of industrial property rights (copyright, patents, trademarks, designs).

Persecution of product piracy (measures against plagiarisms and plagiarists) organization, legal support and implementation of dawn raids.

Registration in the relevant register (patents, trademarks, industrial design) as well as changes in the protective rights registers.

Drafting and implementation of trademark and design applications in Austria and abroad and assistance in maintaining trademark protection (e.g. proof of use).

Legal support (drafting of contracts and providing legal assistance in contract negotiations, implementation) in purchasing and selling intellectual property rights (patents, trademarks, industrial designs and others) as well as drafting license agreements.

IP due-diligence.

Patents, trademarks, designs and licenses in company transactions.

Industrial property rights as asset and credit securities.

Legal support in developing innovations and providing research as well as patent and trademark strategies, if necessary in cooperation with patent lawyers.

Trademark monitoring.

Agreements on liens and other security rights for patents, trademarks and designs (industrial designs).

Agreements to establish legal communities on copyrights, inventors and property rights.

General terms and conditions, license and maintenance contracts for software and websites.

Drafting of license agreements, delimitation agreements, non-disclosure agreements (NDA) or confidential disclosure agreements (CDA), material transfer agreements (MTA), permissions to use a copyrighted work, granting the rights of use (e.g. publishing contracts, stage contracts, script contracts etc.) and television broadcasting rights.

Legal support and representation in cases of employee inventions, clarification of employer’s and employee’s rights in creative and innovative professions.

Transfer (also inheritance) of rights to use a copyrighted work.

Issuing legal opinions on copyrights, copyrights infringement, value of patents, value of trademarks, trademark collisions, design collisions and others.

Providing contacts to experts and institutional advisors for government incentives of the state, federal and EU concerning research and development, innovations and innovative services as well as technology-related investment services (free of charge).

Providing contacts to technical experts for patent applications (free of charge).

Providing contacts to technical experts for legal opinions on patent collisions (free of charge).

Providing contacts to consultants for patent exploitation (free of charge).

Legal advice and implementation of customs seizure proceedings due to trademark and product piracy.