Issuing of legal opinions.
Research in the field of property rights, for example research for trademarks and designs.
IP-Due Diligence (legal assessment of intellectual property).
Legal advice and assistance regarding dawn raids in competition and intellectual property rights matters.
Legal project assistance (e.g. acquisition and investment projects (M&A), software implementation projects, research and development projects (R&D), construction projects), if necessary in cooperation with relevant experts.
Assisting clients with business plans, patent and license management and trademark management.
Advising and representing clients regarding the establishment of companies and foundations, if necessary in cooperation with tax consultants.
Advising clients during the development of innovations and conducting accompanying research as well as drafting patent and trademark strategies, if necessary in cooperation with patent lawyers.
Issuing of trademark and patent evaluations, if necessary in cooperation with tax consultants and patent lawyers.
Advising and representing clients in the context of reconstructing companies or during corporate crises, if necessary in cooperation with tax consultants.
Assisting clients in clarifying legal situations and asserting legal claims in foreign countries in cooperation with foreign law firms.